SBC Public Relations Officer Voter’s Guide

The Public Relations Officer makes posters, fliers, banners, and social media posts to advertise SBC events.


Gigi Huang, Junior

What do you think makes you qualified for this position?

I am very passionate for both visual and performing arts, so I’ve had experience in drawing, painting, photography, dance, and even filmmaking. I actually had a YouTube channel a few years back so I do have experience with video editing, and also designing thumbnails digitally and even drawing.

What qualities do you think would make you a good Public Relations Officer?

I am a very committed and responsible person, so if I know that I have something to do, and if I start something I’ll definitely finish it all the way through, and I’ll make sure that it looks good. I believe that these qualities would make me perfect for a PR because there’s a lot of art and drawing involved in it and we’ve always got to make sure that everything we put out there looks good.