SBC Vice President Voter’s Guide
The Vice President does whatever tasks are needed, often including delegating tasks, voicing student concerns, and backing up the President.
Zephyr Anderson, Sophomore
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I have worked with my friends to create the Lowell Student Union after the formation of the bell schedule due to administration not informing the students. And I believe that makes me fully qualified as we saw what administration was doing wrong, we showed the students what the bell schedules were, then the students responded to administration and told them what’s not right about the bell schedules.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
Mainly bringing more prominent Lowell Student Union into the SBC board. Just bringing more of the student voice to the administration, especially since we’re going to have a new principle, just starting fresh, telling that principle that the students actually have ideas and want to see things happen.
Yaoquan Chen, Junior
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I’ve been on robotics and I think I’m an excellent team player and I’m good at getting people together.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
Probably get more surveys out there to ask people what they want and how they want the community to be. I mean, the ultimate goal is to get the community to be more glued together.
Timmy Dang, Junior
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I have previous leadership experience. I co-founded this program at the library where I teach kids topics in STEM every weekend at the library. So I know what it’s like to work with other people, how to plan an event, how to contact and communicate to the public, and to deal with finances, and to just overall work with people. I feel like that could really help me as a Vice President because I already have experience working with other people to come together to make an impact in this school, in the world.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
One of my ideas to make SACs more worth it. Right now you can only use SACs to get cheaper dance tickets. We could definitely do more with that to encourage more people to buy it. Like we could do some kind of discount on LSA fundraisers or some kind of benefits at dances. I know for dances there are photo booths so if you have an SAC there could be this one time thing where you could skip the line for the photobooth and go first. Just overall some things that could make SACs more worth it, and encourage more people to buy it. Also I want to work with the Dance Coordinator to organize more dances or events in general such as movie nights or bondings events, just bringing the school together to boost morale.
Aracely Seminario, Junior
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I am currently the only junior on SBC and I am the Dance Coordinator and I have worked very closely with this year’s SBC Vice President so I’m very familiar with the position. I was also the 2020 Vice President last year so I am very comfortable with talking in front of people and I’m very outgoing. So I would ask people if they need help. If the dance coordinator needs help planning a dance I would ask how I could help them instead of waiting for them to ask me. Because that’s kind of an issue we had this year on board is just being able to reach out for help and then reaching out to other people to see if they need help.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
This year as dance coordinator I had this vision of lowering all these dance prices so that they were available to people of all different socioeconomic backgrounds. For example, Winterball was almost twenty dollars cheaper this year than it was last year and the last dance ticket is only four dollars if you wait all the way until the last day. And then with Homecoming I wanted to collaborate with underrepresented clubs like La Raza for A Night in Havana. I was also thinking about how junior prom did this thing where if you qualify free or reduced lunch you get a lower dance ticket so I was thinking that we could do that for all events so that they are really available to everyone. My goal is just to help everyone be able to attend the events and stuff because I want Lowell to have more school spirit. That’s something we’re definitely lacking in, so I thought that by making events available for everyone that our spirit could just boost.
Mimi Tang, Junior
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I would be a good Vice President because of hard work, my ability to work for long periods of time, and my motivation to do something. So when I really want something I really strive for it try to achieve it.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
I think that if I were to get elected, I would try to helping with everything, I think improving every single aspect of Lowell’s community is a really good, like helping out SBC dance coordinator with their dances, and organizing all the events that happen at Lowell, and just really assisting everybody and everything that needs help.
Jeffrey Truong, Junior
What do you think makes you qualified for this position?
I think I’m qualified for this position because I generally have a different aspect on issues with other people. So, I think I can bring new ideas and represent what I would like to call this hidden population at Lowell. So I think that I can represent those people properly because from my experience, a lot of people vote just because they’re friends with people who are running and I wanted to sort of counter that. Also, I’ve developed organizational skills through organizing certain events in our badminton team. As of now it’s senior day so I would have to delegate tasks and I feel that’s learning to properly delegate tasks and find the strengths and weaknesses in people is very important as a Vice President.
If you get elected, what would you do to benefit the Lowell community?
I think a big part of what I plan to do if elected would be to increase transparency between the board itself and the students because there’s a lot of misunderstandings. Students just generally don’t understand what the board does most of the time. So I feel like being very transparent with the students is a very important aspect, as I hear people complaining about events and stuff but in reality there’s certain issues that go on behind the scenes that just people don’t understand. So, transparency is one, and then another would be to make events more affordable by doing more fundraisers.