The Student News Site of Lowell High School

The Lowell

The Student News Site of Lowell High School

The Lowell

The Student News Site of Lowell High School

The Lowell

Letter from the editors

Dear readers of The Lowell

As we draft this final letter from S107, a wave of nostalgia and pride washes over us. This school year, we started off being elected into our roles as Editors-in-Chief, admittedly more than a little clueless. From confronting deadlines, navigating leadership pressures, and orchestrating frantic Zoom calls, our beginning attempts at taking initiative were anything but seamless. Yet, as we’ve eased into our roles, it’s difficult to fathom how our time steering The Lowell is nearing its end. 

We’re happy to have successfully published five magazines and a consistent stream of online content. By exercising creative autonomy through the introduction of the satire section and this magazine’s mad-lib, The Lowell has and will continue to be at the heart of student journalism. In our coverage of events affecting Lowell’s student body, we’re proud to resonate with our readers, from student profiles regarding the Israel-Hamas War to this magazine’s feature story regarding students’ financial uncertainty caused by the FAFSA changes. 

Most importantly, our heartfelt appreciation goes out to this year’s incredible staff: editors, reporters, illustrators, photographers, researchers, and business managers. Friendships were forged over locking ourselves out of the science building after late-night magazine in-dates, laughing at the wrath of disapproving alumni emails, and burning our toasts during moments when we lost track of time in deep conversation. Integrating new staff and underclassmen into our journalism community — from awkward ice-breakers to their first bylines — has been particularly rewarding.

There is no question that The Lowell‘s future is in caring and capable hands. We trust the incoming editors to not just maintain but elevate this publication’s tradition of excellence. We’re ecstatic to see your future staff release their unfettered voices and creativity in the coming year. Thank you for reading, critiquing, and supporting us this year. The Lowell ad(Journ)ed.

With love,


Kylie Chau, Roman Fong, Sierra Sun

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About the Contributors
Kylie Chau
Kylie Chau, Multimedia Editor-in-Chief
She/They Kylie is currently a senior at Lowell. When they aren't in the Journ Room, you can find them enjoying a nice medium cup of an espresso chai latte with light ice and short pull, or watching terrible movies.
Roman Fong
Roman Fong, Editor-in-Chief
He/Him Roman is a senior who, if not chugging coffee or blasting music, is only doing one of four things: playing baseball, watching the sunset, getting hit in the head with a bowling ball, or falling asleep at the dinner table.
Sierra Sun
Sierra Sun, Editor-in-Chief
She/Her Sierra is a senior at Lowell. She loves munching on school lunch hotdogs and updating her secret Letterboxd account. Sierra also loves sunny weather.

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