Dear Readers of The Lowell,
As our school nears the end of fall semester, we find ourselves crunched for time. In order to study for finals, finish homework, balance extracurriculars, write college apps, and even prepare this magazine for publication, we’ve gotten less sleep. And we’re not the only ones. This cover story, “Failing to sleep,” explores Lowellites’ relationship with sleep and how our school’s academic environment has led students to prioritize school over getting enough sleep. Calculating our hours of sleep and comparing them to other students is a constant topic of conversation at Lowell. We dug deeper into this already apparent problem by surveying students to truly find the extent of its impact on their lives.
Our staff has worked hard to bring you this newsmagazine in the midst of the recent turmoil in our community around allegations of sexual assault. We are investigating this issue and provide in-depth coverage in the spring semester. In the meantime, we invite readers to refer to our past coverage like our February 2021 cover story.
As we head into winter break and into the new year, we hope students remember to take time for themselves. Self care is necessary, as we illustrate in this magazine’s infographic. As always, it’s our pleasure to bring you this print issue of The Lowell. We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we have enjoyed making it.
Sarah Liu and Rae Wymer