Extracurriculars at Lowell
Lowell has a variety of extracurriculars, ranging from clubs to sports to honor societies. Unsure of which one to join? Here are a few of the many extracurriculars Lowell has to offer:
Shield and Scroll
- What: Shield and Scroll is Lowell’s honor society and they provide service to the school. Members can be recognized by their red and white hats at events like Freshmen Orientation, Back to School Night, plays, musicals, and more.
- Who: You must be a junior and have at least a 3.0 GPA to apply to Shield and Scroll.
- How: Admittance is based on your report cards and extracurriculars. The commitment includes attending five mandatory events and a requirement of 30 modules in the spring and summer and 40 in the fall. Each module is worth 20 minutes.
- When: Admittance is at the beginning of each semester.
- Why: Being in Shield and Scroll demonstrates academic achievement and integrity and allows students to give back to the Lowell community. If you are accepted and complete your requirements, you will be able to wear the iconic beanie and receive a cord for graduation.
California Scholarship Federation
- What: California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an honor society with many branches across the state that organize student community service. Lowell’s CSF program provides peer tutoring.
- Who: Second-semester sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply.
- How: Acceptance is based on a point policy earned from grades and AP classes, and an interview to demonstrate teaching and social skills. The commitment b vggu includes a minimum of 50 modules per semester, with each modules being worth 10 minutes. Attending trainings and informational meetings are also mandatory to complete CSF requirements.
- When: CSF accepts tutors into their program every semester.
- Why: Being a CSF tutor is a good way to give back to your community. Tutoring others can be enjoyable and can improve one’s own skills. Similar to Shield and Scroll, CSF also demonstrates a level of academic achievement.
Peer Mentoring
- What: Peer Mentoring is a program under Lowell Peer Resources led by peer leaders dedicated to bringing equity to all students. Peer Mentors guide incoming freshmen every school year. At the beginning of the school year, each mentor is assigned to a group of freshmen mentees that they visit once a week during registry to answer any questions and give advice.
- Who: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who can attend Freshman Orientation at the end of summer are eligible to apply.
- How: New and old mentors must complete an online application and participate in an in-person interview to be considered. In order to be accepted again and receive graduation recognition, mentors must complete five-point opportunities that vary between workshops and event volunteering.
- When: Applications and informational meetings are held at the end of the spring semester. Those who are accepted must complete three workshops before attending Freshman Orientation at the end of the summer. Additional training in the fall is also mandatory.
- Why: Peer Mentoring builds leadership and communication skills essential to all future career paths. Becoming a mentor is also a great way to get involved with and give back to the Lowell community by helping new students.
Lowell Science Research Program
- What: Lowell Science Research Program (LSPR) is a collaborative program between Lowell and UCSF students in the Medical Science Training Program. LSRP teaches students how to publicly present and publish their work, engage in original research, and develop the professional skills necessary for a successful scientific career. Exclusive UCSF-Lowell summer internship opportunities are also given at the end of the school year.
- Who: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are qualified to join, but priority is given to juniors, seniors, and those who have completed internships.
- How: Students can join year-round.
- When: LSRP meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 263 at 3:45 p.m.
- Why: Being a part of LSPR is beneficial to students who are interested in exploring the different science fields, taking an extra class, or looking for an internship opportunity.
*October 11, 2019 at 2 p.m. correction: Peer Mentoring applications open during March. There are two required trainings before Freshman Orientation and one after.