12 days after every Christmas, freshman Coco Kalman and her family celebrate Epiphany Day, an Italian tradition that symbolizes the discovery that Jesus was the son of God. According to Kalman, at the root of the tradition is the story of a woman named La Befana, who gives gifts to children because she sees Jesus inside of them. “It’s a nice wrap-up of the holidays,” Kalman said. “It signifies moving on for me, and it’s just a fun thing to celebrate.”
A Festive Season
In this multimedia piece, we interviewed four Lowellites about the holidays they celebrate and their unique Christmas traditions.
December 16, 2024
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About the Contributors

Alex Mangot, Photographer
Alex is a junior photographer. He likes to surf and wrestle. He also has a photography instagram account @mango_takes_pictures.

Imaan Ansari, Multimedia Editor
Imaan is a senior at Lowell. When she isn’t taking photos, she is bouldering, building legos, drinking iced mochas, and listening to music!

Katharine Kasperski, Multimedia Editor-in-Chief
Katharine is a senior at Lowell. Outside of school, she can usually be found watching a film at Balboa, jamming to The Cure, or chasing her cats around the house.

Ramona Jacobson, Editor-in-Chief
Ramona is a senior at Lowell. She loves Spotify, frozen fruit, and all forms of caffeine.

Thomas Harrison, Editor-in-Chief
Thomas Harrison is a senior at Lowell. Outside of school, he loves to listen to music, go to concerts, and ignore his homework. His favorite artists include Underscores, Jane Remover, and Car Seat Headrest.